Sunday, December 19, 2010

Walk Sunya Walk!

Yesterday I ate at some of the best places in Portland.  For breakfast/lunch I stopped for B&G (biscuits and gravy) at Pine State Biscuits.   I had the Moneyball which is one of my favorites.  Then later in the day I hooked up with my Welsh friend Gareth to check out Porque No? for some fish tacos and a fab pomegranate margarita.  It was great.  I was happy.  But then crazy man wanted some pie and who am I to turn down pie.  So it was back to NE Alberta for a slice at Random Order Coffeehouse.   Maybe my friend Doug is right and I do need to move to NE Portland.  I am over there all the time.  That area has some seriously good eats.  Ah ha!  That could be a con as well.  How much bigger would my butt be if I lived there.  Though I have to say that pie man made a good point last night.  If I lived over there I could walk to all those places and get in some exercise.  True, but then I would miss St. Johns.  Good thing I don't have to decide right now.

B&G from Pine State Biscuits

Margarita w/ mood lighting!
Ahhhh pie!!!!!

What I did need to decide right now was that I ate too much yesterday and I need to get a move on this morning.  So I bundled up and headed out for a nice 2 mile walk.  Okay so I was walking to one of my favorite local breakfast places but they were closed for the holiday.  Darn!  So I am back to fix some yummy oatmeal that I found on my new favorite blog.  Check this out.  Whipped Banana Oatmeal.  Nothing like something warm in your tummy after a chilly walk.

Have a wonderful Sunya-day!!!

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